Wolfe Publishing Group

    The Black Powder Cartridge News Summer 2024

    On the Cover: Dr. Edward Maynard iis holding an early 1865 percussion Maynard rifle complete with what looks to be a telescopic sight by William Malcolm of Syracuse, New York.

    Volume , Number | ISSN:

    Article Bites


    From the Editor

    column by: Steve Garbe

    I doubt if there ever was an election in this country that wasn’t billed as “the most important in our time” but it does appear that the 2024 election cycle will have some serious ramifications for many Americans. ...Read More >


    About the Cover

    column by: Steve Garbe

    Dr. Edward Maynard is gracing this cover of the Black Powder Cartridge News, thanks to our Contributing Writer, Leo Remiger and Frank Graves, the owner of the image. Edward is holding an early 1865 percussion Maynard rifle complete with what looks to be a telescopic sight by William Malcolm of Syracuse, New York. ...Read More >


    Letters from Readers

    The Black Powder Target Rifle Federation, Remembering Mile Gilbert, ERRATA Shooting the Remington-Type Revolving Carbine, Updated Address for John Taylor, “Thank You” to the Davenport Shooting Association, Vision Tips for Older Shooters
    column by: Staff

    With the demise of the Black Powder Target Rifle Association last December, a pair of intrepid souls decided to try and save not only the match at the Byers, Colorado, Rifle Club range (arguably the finest 1,000-yard facility in the Rocky Mountain West) but also form a loosely organized “Federation” to promote Black Powder Target Rifle shooting matches. The key word here is “Federation”, more on that later. ...Read More >


    Product Reviews

    Hi-Lux Optics - Wm. Malcolm Scope 6X Short Scope, SPG Sales Spotting Board, Accurate Molds’ 52-460N
    column by: Steve Garbe (Photos by Sheryll Garbe), and Mike Nesbitt

    We received a Wm. Malcolm scope from Hi-Lux Optics for review and decided to put it through its paces. This is the 6X Adjustable Parallax Model that resembles a Winchester A5 or a Lyman Junior telescope, but is not a close copy of any particular type. However, it does have the old “look” and is very appropriate on any vintage-style rifle. ...Read More >


    The Wyoming Schuetzen Union’s “Center Shot”

    C.W. Rowland Has Left the Range
    column by: Allyn H. Tedmon

    We ran across this old article by Allyn Tedmon, on famed Colorado rifleman Charles W. Rowland in the January 1937 issue of The American Rifleman. Being an admirer of C.W. Rowland and knowing many other present-day riflemen who are in awe of his abilities, we thought his obituary would be both interesting and enlightening. ...Read More >


    Match Results

    BPCR Gong Match, 22BPCR Prone Schuetzen Match, 2024 Winter Postal League
    column by: Staff

    BPCR Gong Match - Billings, Montana – March 17, 2024 / 22BPCR Prone Schuetzen Match - Carpenter, Wyoming – March 23, 2024 / 2024 Winter Postal League - Davenport, Iowa ...Read More >


    Rifle Clubs

    Rifle Clubs - Contact Information
    column by: Staff

    Alaska -Alaska Rifle Club: Contact Somerset Jones at 907-688-6892 or cid1893@mtaonline.net Arizona - Phoenix - Ben Avery Shooting Facility: Contact George Taylor at lhepburn@outlook.com ...Read More >


    Dr. Edward Maynard

    feature by: Leo J. Remiger

    The following short tribute to Dr. Edward Maynard by H.W.S. Cleveland appeared in the May 7, 1891 issue of Forrest and Stream. We are fortunate that a contemporary of Dr. Maynard took the time to write a short memorial for the riflemen of that day. It provides us with numerous details of this gentleman. ...Read More >


    Pope-Ballard Schuetzen Rifle Barrel No. 236

    feature by: Rick Moritz

    When attending any sort of rifle match, I am always on the lookout for rifles of note. Of course, you will always see the usual Ballards, Sharps, Stevens and Winchester High Walls or sometimes an occasional Farrow or Bullard rifle. If luck is on your side, perhaps a Maynard will be on the line and once in a blue moon, you will observe a rifle that is a gem. ...Read More >


    Patched Balls & Pork Chops

    feature by: Jim Bowen

    The old adage, “When one door closes another one opens,” may be overused, but one recently closed door opened another door to a very unexpected black powder adventure. ...Read More >


    Smoke of a .45

    feature by: Mike Nesbitt

    The 45 Colt is certainly legendary. It was given a leading role in the history of our Old West, where it certainly played a big part, regardless of whether it was as much as the legends make it or not. Helping that legend was Charlie Russell’s painting from 1908, called “Smoke of a .45” which depicts a gunfight where the 45 Colt looks to have played a leading role. ...Read More >


    Captain Jack

    feature by: Jim Foral

    Once there was a time when watching a fellow human being shoot a gun in a public demonstration was considered to be wholesome and worthwhile entertainment. Spectators flocked to fairgrounds or fields at the edge of town to witness travelling trick shooters perform seemingly impossible feats with rifles, revolvers, and shotguns. ...Read More >


    The “Case” for the 40-60 Maynard

    feature by: Steve Garbe - Photos by Sheryll Garbe

    Back in the mid-1980s, when BPCR Silhouette was becoming one of the most popular new shooting disciplines, many riflemen were looking for a .40 caliber cartridge to supplant the tried and true 45-70 Government. The old .45 work-horse was enjoying renewed popularity because of its compatibility with the requirements of BPCR Silhouette; namely, adequate accuracy and enough horsepower to knock over the 500-meter rams. ...Read More >

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