
Wolfe Publishing Group

    About the Cover

    The issue’s cover photo was submitted by our contributing writer, Leo Remiger, courtesy of Robert Summa. It features N. C. Nash in his somewhat unorthodox offhand position with the Maynard rifle. It’s worthy to note that he is not using his trigger finger on the trigger – instead, he lays it alongside the receiver and uses the next finger to actually pull the trigger. Even though it’s not evident from the photo, Mr. Nash has the buttstock of the rifle under his shooting coat. If you have never tried this position, you should. The support from the coat or vest locks the rifle in almost better than a tight sling and is definitely an advantage in offhand shooting. All this being said, many Schuetzen organizations, the Wyoming Schuetzen Union among them, bar this position from being used for the obvious reason. I would suspect that the same could be said for any of the Black Powder Target Rifle competitions or .22BPCR matches.

    If you are at a match that allows the use of a sling, give the Nash position a try. Thank you, Leo and Robert, for another great cover shot of a noted old-time rifleman!

    Wolfe Publishing Group