column By: Staff | March, 25
Canal Fulton, Ohio – September 29, 2024
Canal Fulton Ramrod Club
Weather conditions were fine this year at Canal Fulton for shooting at 100 yards, though not in favor of attracting public interest. Wind was 0-10 mph, skies were cloudy, and the air was humid with some light rain. Overall attendance was down, with 11 shooters competing. Four entries were slug shooters, and the remaining seven were shooting black powder cartridge rifles. The slug gunners reigned supreme this year, and Carl Nelson shot a very high score, indeed.
Food at our match continued to be a strong attraction and we had ample chili, Sloppy Joes, cookies, pies, sandwich tray, etc. Nobody goes home hungry!
The “show and tell” continues to provide historic arms for discussion and viewing. A very fine Henry Berg Schuetzen rifle of Davenport, Iowa, made an appearance. It is circa 1860, with all the tools and carrying case. This fine picket rifle was in original condition.
This year I need to draw attention to a couple of issues. As you know, all moneys beyond necessary expenses are given to the winner. Since I began to shoot this match in 2005, match prices have remained the same, yet expenses increase. I will propose a $5 increase per match. Also, historically, since Rich Hicks passed away we have scored our own targets. This year it was brought to my attention there were some errors scoring targets. We encourage shooters to stay until the final ceremony/business meeting.
Remember, the winner of the “King” match is to name the memorial for the following year. In addition, we recognize and celebrate Brile Williams again this year. At age 15, she shoots high scores and also competes at the National Matches at Friendship, Indiana.
“Handicaps” as posted were: Cartridge with iron sights get three points and three X’s. Cartridge rifles with scopes get three points. This will be revised next year to state: “Cartridge rifles get three points, and iron sights get three X’s.”
Carl Nelson’s rifle was made by Berry. It is a .50 caliber and he shot 105 grains of Swiss powder. His rifle was scoped.
Mike Policy shot his 38-55 cartridge 44½ Stevens rifle by CPA with 55 grains Swiss Fg1½ Powder.
Mark Barnhill shot the “Old Harrison” Reinhard rifle (made in 1879) with a Unertl scope, 80 grains of Swiss Fg1½, 530-grain, two-piece bullet and was patched with Reynolds freezer wrap paper.
A special thanks to Canal Fulton Ramrod Club, Log Cabin Shop, and Larry Baker at SPG Sales. Your donations make this match possible. Many thanks to the Barnhill family and friends for faithfully donating cans to return money for the match, and of course, Donna Barnhill, for her secretarial and technical work. As Rich Hicks stated, “This shoot is intended to be less serious and more social.” Good friendships have evolved here, indeed!