Wyoming State BPTR Midrange Championship
& .22 BPCR Midrange Match
Worland, Wyoming – May 31 - June 1, 2024
Worland Shooting Complex
Tom Outland
This year we began a new chapter here at the Worland Shooting Complex by adding the first annual .22 BPCR Midrange Match. Not knowing if it would be widely received, the match was going to be a “trial and error” process. For the first year we had 19 participants; it went over great and I would expect it to grow moving forward. We held this match on Friday, May 31, the day prior to our annual BPTR Midrange Championship. Like the past few years we had fantastic weather for the events. We began the match at 8:30 AM on the 200-yard firing line, which is where we stayed for all of the three “sized” targets. By the end of the 200-yard match we had a four-way tie for first place. We then had a target change and shot the reduced 300-yard target. With a slight wind, this ended being a bit more of a challenge and resulted in one shooter in sole possession of first place. We now had the final target change to the reduced 600-yard target. The match finished with John Brooker wining the overall and Emily Hayes winning the women’s side. A great time was had and we plan on continuing the event in 2025.
On Saturday, June 1, we began our 11th annual BPTR Midrange Championship. It started out looking like we would have our largest event ever, but due to a variety of circumstances there were a number of cancellations. We began on the 200-yard line and by the end of that match we had a three-way tie for first place with a perfect 200 score for each shooter. We then moved back to the 300-yard line. The mild breeze of six to eight MPH created more of a challenge during this stage of the competition. After this stage, we had a lot of shooters that were in position to go for the event title on Sunday when we would begin the 600-yard target portion of the Midrange event. This would be the final 20 scoring shots for each competitor. By the end of this stage we once again had a clear winner for the second year in a row. There were about six other shooters that were right on his heels, but Dave Gullo took home the honors of Overall Winner. Linda Bonefield took home the first-place finish on the women’s category and Randy Ellingrod took first place in the MR-Position category. Next year’s event will see a name change as we will move under the umbrella of the Black Powder Target Rifle Federation. The match will be handled the same and have the same great group of participants that are just like an extended family to us.
A big “Thank You” goes out to all our sponsors/donors for their contributions and support to the black powder shooting sports. Keep in mind that this is something that they do not have to do, but willingly support our matches. Please support them for your shooting needs. They are as follows: Brooks Tru-Bore, Buffalo Arms, Dixie Gun Works, Graf and Sons Inc, Midway USA, Montana Vintage Arms, Redding Reloading Equipment, Rocky Mountain Cartridge LLC, Schuetzen Powder LLC, Shiloh Sharps Rifle Co., SPG Sales, Starline Inc. If you get the chance, thank them for their support in making our matches a success.
Hope to see you at the firing line on June, 2025, at the
Worland Shooting Complex in Worland, Wyoming. We can accommodate about 40 competitors for each event and would encourage you to contact us if interested in joining us. We also encourage the youth and women shooters to join our family. Contact us at
.22 Black Powder Rifle Silhouette Competition
New Braunfels, Texas – August 24, 2024
New Braunfels Schuetzen Verein
Frank Schroeder

Left to Right: Frank Schroeder, David Vollbrecht, Bobby Voges, John Vollbrecht, Bob Howell, Martin Roth, Tom Clendennen, Scott McCash, Dean Braune, Mark Muncaster.
The New Braunfels Schuetzen Verein is pleased to announce the commencement of .22 Black Powder Rifle Silhouette competition at our range in New Braunfels, Texas. As a result of astute planning and tireless follow-through by club member David Vollbrecht, our range was markedly expanded to incorporate a 200-meter addition dedicated to .22 BPCR. This is in addition to the traditional Schuetzen matches that, as the oldest continuously active Schuetzen club in the U.S., we have held for many years. This makes us the oldest Schuetzen club with the newest .22 silhouette range. Our first shoot took place on August 24, 2024, and was attended by 10 competitors. Fun was had by all, and the match proceeded smoothly. Please text (do not call) David Vollbrecht at 210-771-3291 for our schedule. We plan to publish an extended schedule in early 2025. Come join us for some fun.
Scores/Equipment List:
David Vollbrecht: 30 – Ballard, Unertl scope, Eley Tenex
Tom Clendennen: 30 – Stevens 44, Zimmerman scope, Eley CMP
John Vollbrecht: 29 – Savage MC1, FV-SR
Bob Howell: 27 – Ballard, Unertl scope, Eley CMP
Scott McCash: 25 – Ballard, Lyman scope, Eley CMP, Lapua Midas
Martin Roth: 24 – CPA 44 ½, MVA scope, Lapua Master M
Bobby Voges: 24 – Martini, Vortex scope
Mark Muncaster: 22 – Winchester 52, Unertl scope
Frank Schroeder: 17 – Shiloh Sharps 1874 with Lee Shaver insert, Zimmerman scope, Eley Tenex
Deane Braune: 15 – Winchester 52, Unertl scope
Traditional Creedmoor
150th Creedmoor Anniversary
Lusk, Wyoming – August 30, 2024
NWasserburger Ranch Rangen
800, 900 and 1,000 yards, Creedmoor rules, no whining

Dave Gullo (left) accepting the trophy for High Aggregate score in the Traditional Creedmoor match.
One Mile Match
150th Creedmoor Anniversary
Lusk, Wyoming – September 1, 2024
Wasserburger Ranch RangeTwo strings, one-mile distance, Creedmoor rules, no whining
Ties broken by number of bull’s eyes, then by second string scoreStaff

Competitors at the One Mile Match; L to R: Dave Gullo, Kenny Wasserburger, John Venhous, Bryan Youngberg and Don Johnson.
BPTRF Creedmoor Nationals
Byers, Colorado – September 20-22, 2024
Colorado Rifle Club1st Day – 800, 900 and 1,000 yards, 2nd Day – 800, 900 and 1,000 yards
BPTRF rules, no whiningStaff
Oak Ridge Creedmoor Match
Oak Ridge, Tennessee – October 8-12, 2024
Oak Ridge Sportsman’s Club
NMLRA rules, 60-15X possible at each distance, 180-45X possible aggregate, scaled targets at 300 and 600,
15 shots, no sighters, no artificial support for Traditional Class, Open and Senior Class may use a restStaff

Competitors at the 2024 Oak Ridge Creedmoor Match.